Monday, 20 June 2016

Rock Climbing and Abseiling Reflection

On Friday was one of the most life changing and best experience  in the world. So on Friday the 17th of June 2016, I woke up all excited and not very nervous. I was running around the house like a headless chicken because I was so excited.

Just as I hopped out of the car just as the bell rang, I could see all of my classmates running back to class. We all sat on the mat while my teacher Mr. S-W had a talk to us about today, he did the roll as he called out our names.

Soon after that the tai poutini polytechnic students came to talk about the day introduce themselves then, they asked the Friday rock climbing group to come out so we did while the other half of the class set off to work. We were outside talking about all different kind of things like safety after we have talked about the serious stuff we went into a circle and said our name something we liked have we did abseil before and a funny animal noise. I said my names Emma I like sports yes I have been abseiling before at bridge valley and my funny animal noise was a donkey "eeehh oorrr"

Then Hazel one of our instructors said to us we will go now hop into your cars and let's go. When she said that the nerves started to kick in.
We finally got to Charleston after a 1 hours drive, by then I started to feel sick. I hoped out of the car and headed over to the rest of the group. We started to put our harnesses on and our helmets had a quick bite to eat then started walking to where we were going to have a climb and an abseil . My teacher could tell I was getting nervous so he said to me that I need to stop thinking about it, so I tried but I couldn't. He started talking to me about stuff so I could stop thinking about it.

We got there, they had a little explaining to do for us the boundaries and the rules. We had to get into 1 group of 4 and another of 5 there was a girl group and a boy group my group went first. Alyssa and Reed really both wanted to go first so they did the Chili version of paper scissors rock. Reed won so she went first then it was Alyssa, Hannah and me both wanted to go third because we wanted to get it over and done with. By this point the nerves really had kicked in I was my teacher had to keep telling me that I can do I with out my teacher and the girls support I might not of been able to do it.

I was standing in then edge if the cliff with a instructor called Lochie that belays us down mr s-w cliped onto the saftey rope with the camera and the girls giving me incourgement I took the step and at that point I knew that I couldn't turn back the only say to get out of this was to keep going down after the first couple minutes of the slowleyness I started to fly I really wanted to do it again. Next time I will know that I need to trust myself and the ropes. At the bottom there was anither instrutor called Josh who helped us undo the knots and giving us more incourage ment. When you got down it was the best feeling hhe made you feel amazing giving you highfives saying how well you went. to get back to the top we had to go throught this cafe it was very sliperly in there but I got up okay.

Now it was the boys turn the girls and I had something quick to eat then went to our rock climbing. I sarted on the easy one then I  went ont he hard one called the chimney. Some parts I told my Instructor Lockie that I wanted down he said I can do It and was helping a little with where I could put my hands and feet. I finally reached the top it was the best feeling. I thank Lockie so much because wiht our his help I wouldn't of made it to the top.

Going rock climbing and abesailsing was the best feeling I loved doing I and I would go and do it again.
I would like to thank Paroa school for Elemet and also big thanks to Lockie, Hazel, Josh, Hojoe (The Tai Poutini Polytechnic) for organising such a great event.

One of my favorite parts of doing abesailing was when I was standing on the edge of the cliff and thinking to my self I can't do this and I done it. I had a great time, I hope everyone else did too.

1 comment:

  1. Emma, you demonstrated awesome composure at the top of the cliff. You didn't just 'push your comfort zones', you took a giant leap and are now better for it. This experience will give you some critical perspective; something to compare to next time you're faced with a challenge. You need to ask yourself "is this harder than standing on the edge of a 25m sea cliff?"
