Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Image result for golden sands road West Coast


My place is my Nana and Grandads. I love going out there and going for motor bike rides on the beach with the crashing waves. The tides are coming in and you don’t have long to zoom back across the beach without getting the bike wet.

I have many story’s with my Nana and grandad. Going hunting with my grandad are some of the best times I have had, I remember when I went hunting out the 17 mile with my Grandad and my Grandad’s friend and we saw a deer, I lined up the shot and then, ‘POOF!’, rain started pouring from nowhere. My lens fogged up straight away, I wiped  it and the deer was gone. I missed that deer and I was soaked and my grandad dropped the keys on the way back, we ran back to the car and had to ran back get the keys and come back to the car.

I remember with my nana doing mosaicking I love watching my nana, mosaicking and I love helping her too.
A mosaic is a piece of art or image made from the assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It is often used in decorative art or as interior decoration. Most mosaics are made of small, flat, roughly square, pieces of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae. Nana and I, have made some great pieces.

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Woah the word “christmas” at my Nana and Grandad  christmas is a full - out event. They decorate their house head to toe in christmas lights and lots of christmas things. They have came first many years in a row.  They have had many little walks and tracks for you to walk along at night and enjoy the night and the lights.

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I have many many great memories at my Nana and Grandads and still many more to come.

English Learning Reflection

First term over, so far English has had its ups and downs. This term in English we have been learning about "The Hero Cycle", I personally haven't enjoyed the hero cycle. The hero cycle was boring in my perspective. I was hoping to write more stories and have different topics e.g narratives poems, in the woods or even get sentence starters.